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- Kingdown School Fashion Shoot
Kingdown School Fashion Shoot
50 year 9 and 10 students from Kingdown School have taken part in the school’s first fashion photoshoot.
Due to changes in this year’s textiles examinations, cause by Covid-19, the Textile student’s annual Fashion Show, was unable to take place. The disruption caused by the pandemic meant that the year 11 and 13 students only had parts of their garments that had been used for trialling construction and testing techniques, rather than their usual finished garments.
However, as Ms Jo Dyson, Textiles Teacher, wanted to ensure that the hard work and incredible skill of the year 9 and 10 textiles students was still celebrated. Along with Mr Paul Barnes, Media and Events Technician, Ms Dyson created the fantastic alternative of holding a photoshoot where all of the students could celebrate the incredible pieces they’d been working on throughout the year.
Utilising the incredible resources at the local Athenaeum, which Ms Dyson described as a “Tardis of incredible locations and interesting backdrops”, the year 9 and 10 students took turns in getting ready in the changing rooms to ensure the right look and styling for their handmade garments: the year 9 students showcasing their shorts and the year 10s their trousers and corsets.
Year 10 photography students Rosie Asslet and Lexi Eggleton were in attendance to capture the textile students work on film. Although they were a little nervous at first, they soon warmed up and took command of the shoot, resulting in some truly amazing photographs.
Ms Dyson commented: “The thing that made the fashion shoot so successful was the students ability to work together, follow instruction from their peers and work with positive attitudes. I felt extremely proud of their achievements.”