Moving from Primary to Secondary
Our KS3 course is structured to start with building on KS2 Science concepts that students should have learned at Primary School. We have built these into our curriculum to ensure that students have the best start to the Science learning journey, building on prior knowledge, so they are ready to access the KS3 Science curriculum.
Creating Subject Experts
Helping our learners become great Scientists.
The 10 Big Ideas in Science allow our KS3 students to understand the different strands in which their science learning falls. This enabled them to see the links between their learning. The scheme of work is developed to ensure that learning is built cumulatively as they move through secondary school.
These are the 10 Big Ideas in Science. They form the key concepts of learning found in Biology, Chemistry, and Physics.
At KS4 we study the AQA GCSE Trilogy course for Combined Science students, who will receive two GCSE qualifications and study all three sciences. Students who are able to do Separate Science study AQA GCSE Biology, Chemistry, and Physics, and will receive three GCSE qualifications.
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How we assess your child
Assessment Grades KS3
Students complete assessments in each of their subjects at key points during the year which test their understanding of all the knowledge they have learnt to date (we call these cumulative assessments). We grade these assessments on a scale from 1-9 (9 being the highest). The assessments are designed so that each year they become more challenging and test students on their growing bank of knowledge.
Therefore, as an example, if your child achieves a grade 5 in an assessment in Year 7, we can predict confidently that they should go on and achieve at least a grade 5 at GCSE. This is providing they keep working hard and progressing. Please note: this prediction states “at least”. Students often achieve higher than this.
In years 7 – 9, in practical subjects (PE, Drama, Music etc.), we assess students on their practical ability and skills. This gives us a strong indication of how successful they would be if they chose one of these subjects as a GCSE option. However, in order to get a fuller view of their potential success, it is also important to consider their grades in the core subjects. This is because there is often a literacy, numeracy, or scientific element to the courses.
Assessment Grades in KS4
Students complete mock exams in each of their subjects at key points during the year which test their understanding of all the knowledge they have learnt to date. We grade these mock exams on a scale from 1-9 (9 being the highest). In the report you will see:-
- Target Grade: This is based on a student’s past performance. It is an aspirational but achievable target
- Mock Grade: The grade they achieved in the mock exam
- Predicted Grade: The grade a teacher believes a student will achieve in the final exam, if they maintain their current ATL and performance
Assessment Grades in KS5
Students complete mock exams in each of their subjects at key points during the year which test their understanding of all the knowledge they have learnt to date. We grade these mock exams on a scale from A*-E/Distinction* - Pass. In the report you will see:-
- Target Grade: This is based on a student’s past performance. It is an aspirational but achievable target
- Mock Grade: The grade they achieved in the mock exam
- Predicted Grade: The grade a teacher believes a student will achieve in the final exam, if they maintain their current ATL and performance