Keevil Church of England Primary Academy

“Always treat others as you would like to be treated” Matthew 7:12

Keevil Church of England Academy is a welcoming and thriving primary school, educating children between the ages of 5 and 11 years. Situated in the heart of the picturesque village of Keevil, Wiltshire, we are proud to have strong links with our local community and St Leonard’s Church.

We are a family school in every sense of the word; all staff and children ensure that every member of our community feels welcome and belongs. Our staff are committed to ensuring that all of the children in our care grow and flourish, achieving both their academic and personal potential. We achieve this by finding each child’s individual spark, helping their self-esteem and confidence grow, which supports their development and accomplishments. Children leave our school as the best readers, mathematicians and writers they can be, combined with an understanding of health and fitness in body and mind.

In July 2016 we joined Acorn Education Trust, which has provided exciting opportunities to improve local education and draw on collective experience. We work closely with other schools within the Trust and the central team to help us continue to grow from strength to strength.

Our school has a wide range of excellent facilities and provision, including: 

  • A large main playground, with dedicated foundation stage play area; 

  • Specialist teaching in PE, Music and French;

  • Forest School sessions for all children every year in our dedicated site;

  • A Vibrant programme of trips and visitors to support cross-curricular learning;

  •  An Outward-Bound programme to challenge and grow children across KS2;

  • Excellent IT provision (pupil laptops and new generation Smartboards) supported by Acorn IT;

  • A strong and supportive team of professionals both within the school and across the Trust;

  • An active and involved community of parents/carers;

  • A high-level of TA support within classes;

  •  A Caring and nurturing Christian ethos across the community.

We look forward to welcoming you to our school and showing you what a wonderful school Keevil is.

Lindsey Hermon

School Details

Keevil Church of England Primary Academy

HeadteacherLindsey Hermon
Keevil Church of England Academy, Main Street, Keevil, Wiltshire, BA14 6LU

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View Our Schools

Schools colour coded by cluster:

Heytesbury Hedgehogs

Head of Nursery Annette Pulvertaft
AddressHeytesbury Hedgehogs, Greenlands, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, BA12 0EA

The Avenue Children's Centre

Childcare Manager Chris Graham
Address7 The Avenue, Warminster, BA12 9AA
Primary & Infant

Bulford St Leonard's Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Karen Jeffery
AddressBulford St Leonard's Church of England Primary School, John French Way, Bulford Village, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 9HP
Primary & Infant

Dilton Marsh Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Jude Clements
AddressDilton Marsh Church of England Primary School, High Street, Dilton Marsh, Wiltshire, BA13 4DY
Primary & Infant

Dinton Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Andrew Howard
AddressHindon Road, Dinton, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP3 5HW
Primary & Infant

Durrington All Saints Church of England Infant School

Headteacher Rachel Hipkin-Fox
AddressDurrington All Saints Church of England Infant School, School Road, Durrington, Salisbury, Wilts, SP4 8HJ
Primary & Infant

Great Wishford Church of England (V.A.) Primary School

Headteacher Hannah Shillito
AddressGreat Wishford Chruch of England Primary School, West Street, Salisbury, SP2 0PQ
Primary & Infant

Heytesbury Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Laura Williamson
AddressHeytesbury Church of England Primary School, Greenlands, Heytesbury, Wiltshire, BA12 0EA
Primary & Infant

Keevil Church of England Primary Academy

Headteacher Lindsey Hermon
AddressKeevil Church of England Academy, Main Street, Keevil, Wiltshire, BA14 6LU
Primary & Infant

Netheravon All Saints Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Rachael Banham
AddressNetheravon All Saints Church of England Primary School, High Street, Netheravon, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 9PJ
Primary & Infant

New Close Primary School

Headteacher Louise Kilminster
AddressNew Close Primary School, 30 Imber Road, Warminster, BA12 9JJ
Primary & Infant

Rowde Church of England Primary Academy

Headteacher Alice Simpson
AddressHigh Street Rowde Devizes Wiltshire, SN10 2ND
Primary & Infant

St John's Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Dan Hortop
AddressSt John's Church of England Primary School, Boreham Road, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 9JY
Primary & Infant

St Michael's Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Sarah Awuye
AddressSt Michael's Church of England Primary School, The Causeway, Larkhill, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 8FB
Primary & Infant

The Avenue Primary School

Headteacher Rachel Eveleigh
AddressThe Avenue Primary School and Children's Centre, 7 The Avenue, Warminster, Wiltshire, BA12 9AA
Primary & Infant

Wansdyke School

Headteacher Sam Heard
AddressWansdyke School, Downlands Road, Devizes, Wiltshire, SN10 5EF
Primary & Infant

West Ashton Church of England Primary School

Headteacher Alex Thwaite
AddressWest Ashton Church of England VA Primary School, 29 Bratton Road, West Ashton, Wiltshire, BA14 6AZ
Primary & Infant

Willowbrook Primary School

Headteacher John Bullen
AddressWillowbrook Primary School, Broadcloth Lane, Trowbridge, BA14 7HE

Avon Valley Academy

Headteacher Shelley Tuke
AddressRecreation Road, Durrington, Salisbury, Wiltshire, SP4 8HH

Clarendon Academy

Headteacher Craig Turze
AddressClarendon Academy, Frome Road, Trowbridge, Wiltshire, BA14 0DJ

Kingdown School

Headteacher Helen Carpenter
AddressKingdown School, Woodcock Road, Warminster, BA12 9DR

Pewsey Vale School

Headteacher Neil Pritchard
AddressPewsey Vale School, Wilcot Road, Pewsey, SN9 5EW